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Hubungan Pengetahuan Dengan Sikap Remaja Putri Tentang Pemeriksaan Payudara Sendiri Di SMK PGRI Karangampel

Introduction: Currently, breast cancer is getting higher in adolescence.
Lack of awareness and information on how to do early detection is a trigger for
the development of breast cancer. By doing early detection of BSE is a way to
reduce the number of breast cancer cases. Method: The research method used
was purposive sampling, namely sampling based on certain considerations to
determine the relationship between knowledge and attitude of adolescent girls
about breast self-examination at SMK PGRI Karangampel. The population in
this study amounted to 164 female respondents, 81 respondents participated in
the study and 83 did not participate in the study due to activities outside the
school. Data was collected using a questionnaire and then analyzed using the chi
square analysis test on the SPSS program. Results: The results showed that the
level of knowledge of BSE was good, namely 37 respondents (45.7%), the level
of knowledge was not good as many as 10 respondents (12.3%). While
respondents with a positive BSE attitude were 74 respondents (91.4%) and a
negative attitude of 7 respondents (8.6%). From the results of statistical tests
obtained a significant value (p-0.000
Mira Aryanti - Personal Name
Dewi Eka Stia Murni - Personal Name
Dede Rizki - Personal Name
610.5 RIZ h
STIKes Indramayu